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EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund

Who we are

Established in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) aims to increase investment in infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa by blending long term loans from participating financiers with grant resources.

EU-AITF funding is available from two different envelopes:
> The regional envelope promotes projects with a demonstrable regional impact.
> The “Sustainable Energy for All” SE4ALL envelope supports regional, national and local projects targeting SE4ALL objectives.

Types of grant support

The EU-AITF offered:
Technical assistance in support of all project phases
Interest rate subsidies to decrease the EU-AITF Financiers’ loan interest rates
Investment Grants to finance project components or part of the investment
Financial Instruments like guarantees, risk mitigation measures, equity or quasi-equity investments or participations

Sector focus

> Energy: geothermal, hydropower, biomass, solar and wind power plants, transmission lines, sustainable cooking fuels, etc.
Transport: road and railway networks, ports, maritime and river routes, air transport, etc.
Water: water supply, treatment and sanitation plants, etc.
Information and communication technologies (ICT): submarine and terrestrial internet cables, satellite-based infrastructure, etc.

Key Eligibility Criteria

> Projects must contribute to economic development and trade, demonstrate African ownership and last, but not least, show a strong development impact by contributing to poverty reduction.
> Projects must be economically viable and have sustainable Operations & Maintenance plans.
> Projects must be financed by at least one member of the EU-AITF Project Financiers Group (PFG) and shall ideally be a candidate for PFG co-financing.